Root Causes

Dr. Mamie on the Lisa Fischer Said Podcast

Dr. Mamie Lisa Fischer Said
I'm Dr. Mamie!

I'm trained in naturopathic medicine + Chinese medicine + functional medicine, and I teach women how to transform their health using natural therapies and a root-cause approach! I share the truth as I know it.

hey y'all

4 Steps to Skyrocket Your Energy

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Your GI tract (mouth to booty) impacts everything else!!

TOp categories

Insulin, cortisol, thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, OH MY!

You are what you can't get rid of! Learn how to detox your body + life

What you eat + how you live have the power to heal you

I recently had the pleasure of joining intermittent fasting health coach Lisa Fischer for an episode on the Lisa Fischer Said podcast.

We covered a LOT of different topics! Hormones, periods and perimenopause, thyroid testing, blood sugar and insulin regulation, food, stress, weight, toxins, and more!

We also talked about why I became a naturopathic doctor and what the heck that even means.

You can watch the video below or listen on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.

I’ve also linked to some helpful resources under the video to further support you—wherever you may be on your health journey!

I hope you find the information so interesting and helpful that you share it with a loved one! Thanks in advance for your support, and here’s to YOU taking control of your health!

Helpful Resources

Access the EWG’s Skin Deep Database for clean body care

Get the EWG’s Dirty Dozen + Clean Fifteen produce lists (especially helpful when you’re on a budget!)

Learn more about thyroid testing and the 6 different types of hypothyroidism

Get my free guide: 4 Steps to Skyrocket Your Energy

Learn how functional testing can give you valuable insight

Discover The 7 Root Causes of Illness

Learn how your different hormones are connected

Access my Blood Sugar Series:

  1. Why Your Blood Sugar Matters SO Much
  2. How to Know if You Have Blood Sugar + Insulin Issues
  3. How to Reverse Insulin Resistance
  4. How Low Blood Sugar Causes Insulin Resistance

Want personalized guidance? Learn how my approach can help you transform your health here.

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Hi, I'm Mamie.
I'm a different kind of doctor.

I'll take the time to listen to your concerns, understand your whole health picture, teach you what your symptoms mean and why they're happening, and empower you to rebuild your health and care for your body. I'll help you reclaim your rightful place as the leading expert on YOUR health!

Learn more

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4 Steps to Skyrocket Your Energy

Learn about four key steps you have to take in order to create + maintain good energy levels, with actionable tips you can incorporate right away to start addressing the root causes of your fatigue.

Dr. Mamie's